Samiya Bashir

Notes – «Field Theories» featured in Cascadia Magazine by Roland Dahwen

Three poems from Samiya Bashir are featured in Cascadia Magazine, along with the video we made together with keyon gaskin, and several still frames from the six «Field Theories» videos.

Link to article and video


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Notes – «Field Theories» in OPB State of Wonder by Roland Dahwen

Samiya Bashir's poetry and book Field Theories is featured on OPB's State of Wonder, along with video that I made with Samiya and keyon gaskin. Listen to some excerpts from Samiya's book and her interview:

Link to article

Notes - HAFT-SEEN and FIELD THEORIES at NW Film - Sept. 26 by Roland Dahwen

A long-term dream I've had is coming true: we're having a screening at the NW Film Center's Whitsell Auditorium, inside the Portland Art Museum. LINK TO INFO

The night will include:
Haft-Seen by Stacey Tran, Jonathan Raissi, and myself
Field Theories by Samiya Bashir, keyon gaskin, and myself
Sight by Kalimah Abioto

Many thanks to everyone who made this possible.

Notes - TBA Festival performance - September 12 by Roland Dahwen

I have the tremendous honor to present at PICA's TBA Festival this year. With Samiya Bashir, Shayla Lawson, Dao Strom and Ronaldo V. Wilson, we will be creating a multimedia performance – music, sound, text, film. September 12, 2017 from 6:30 - 7:30pm at PICA's NE Hancock location.




Notes - Field Theories (with Samiya Bashir and keyon gaskin) by Roland Dahwen

Last summer, Samiya Bashir and I sat down to talk about making a video for her book of poetry FIELD THEORIES (Nightboat Books, 2017). One video became six: one per month until the book's release. We worked with the incomparable movement artist keyon gaskin who appears in all six videos, and many generous people participated in Field Theories #4. The six videos will be woven together into one continuous film for the month of March.

I'm honored and proud to share Field Theories #6 (February):

Notes - history is a hole by Roland Dahwen

I'm showing my video work as part of Physical Education's performance «history is a hole»

Performers: keyon gaskin, Allie Hankins, Lu Yim, Takahiro Yamamoto.

Video Work:
original videos by sidony o'neal, Stacey Tran, Maggie Heath, Kalimah Abioto.
edited videos by Samiya Bashir, Roland Dahwen Wu, Sharita Towne.

Pacific Northwest College of Art - Mediatheque
511 NW Broadway
Portland, Oregon, 97209
7-9pm. January 3, 2017

Notes - Field Theories (Samiya Bashir, with keyon gaskin) by Roland Dahwen

I've been working on a series of short videos for Samiya Bashir's forthcoming book of poetry FIELD THEORIES. Samiya and I have worked together for the last few years, creating multimedia works for her project MAPS. For FIELD THEORIES, we filmed with keyon gaskin, an incredible movement artist with whom I've collaborated on the film QUARANTINE::duo. You can watch part one and two of our series of videos, below.