Notes – the Overseas Banquet at TBA Festival /
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported The Overseas Banquet at TBA Festival. Special thanks to Mekong Bistro, the Cooley Gallery and staff, PICA and PICA staff, Stephanie Snyder, Ella Marra-Ketelaar, and performers Nazli Rahmanian and Shao Way Wu. Audio contributions from: d.a. carter, Intisar Abioto, Craig Epplin, Sahra Brahim. Photography: Alexander Pomper.

Notes - TBA Festival performance - September 12 /
I have the tremendous honor to present at PICA's TBA Festival this year. With Samiya Bashir, Shayla Lawson, Dao Strom and Ronaldo V. Wilson, we will be creating a multimedia performance – music, sound, text, film. September 12, 2017 from 6:30 - 7:30pm at PICA's NE Hancock location.
Notes - Direct Path to Detour /
Takahiro Yamamoto's book release and group show is August 3 at Compliance Division
There will be art, sound, videos, and more from many beautiful artists. I'll be showing a very short video installation entitled «present day boundaries shown». Two of my photographs and two texts are also included in Taka's book Direct Path to Detour, printed by Container Corps.
still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017
still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017