Direct Path to Detour

Notes - Direct Path to Detour (book) by Roland Dahwen

I had the tremendous honor of contributing to Takahiro Yamamoto's book Direct Path to Detour, as well as to the group show that marked the book's release.

Takahiro Yamamoto
Sofia Acosta Rascon
sidony o'neal
Sachi Sekimoto
Roland Dahwen Wu
Rachel Cook
Lu Yim
Lisa Jarrett
Jesse Mejía
Julian Barnett
Erin Boberg Doughton
Drew Klein
Angela Mattox
Published by Container Corps in Portland, Oregon

More information about the book and how to order here

A few photographs of the show by Jonathan Raissi, below.

Notes - Direct Path to Detour by Roland Dahwen

Takahiro Yamamoto's book release and group show is August 3 at Compliance Division

There will be art, sound, videos, and more from many beautiful artists. I'll be showing a very short video installation entitled «present day boundaries shown». Two of my photographs and two texts are also included in Taka's book Direct Path to Detour, printed by Container Corps.


still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017

still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017

still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017

still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017