video installation

Notes – Upcoming screenings and exhibitions by Roland Dahwen


April 4, 2019
Performance video
Cadence Video Poetry Festival – Seattle, USA

April 14, 2019
Documentary short
Boathouse Microcinema – Portland, USA

MAY 35 (short)
April 22 – 29, 2019
Video installation
Festival Internacional de Videoarte de Camagüey – Camagüey, Cuba

MAY 35 (expanded)
July 11 – September 29, 2019
Video installation
Cortona on the Move Festival (ARENA) – Cortona, Italy

Notes - HAFT-SEEN at UNA Gallery by Roland Dahwen

As part of De-Canon's programing during the month of August, we will be screening HAFT-SEEN (30 minutes, digital, color) on August 16 at UNA Gallery. Stacey Tran, Jonathan Raissi and I created HAFT-SEEN together, with the participation of many incredible people. Doors at 8pm, screening shortly after. 


Notes - De-Canon (A Visibility Project) Opening at UNA Gallery by Roland Dahwen

De-Canon's opening at UNA Gallery is August 3.

De-Canon is doing a month of programs at UNA Gallery. There will be performances, readings, screenings, and more. The installation will include a video of mine «We are all the production line (part II)» (4 minutes, 8mm, black and white), as well as «Flowers», a video I made for Dao Strom and «Field Theories», a series of videos I made for Samiya Bashir. Press release.


still frame from «We are all the production line (part II)». Patuá Films, 2017

still frame from «We are all the production line (part II)». Patuá Films, 2017

Notes - Direct Path to Detour by Roland Dahwen

Takahiro Yamamoto's book release and group show is August 3 at Compliance Division

There will be art, sound, videos, and more from many beautiful artists. I'll be showing a very short video installation entitled «present day boundaries shown». Two of my photographs and two texts are also included in Taka's book Direct Path to Detour, printed by Container Corps.


still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017

still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017

still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017

still frame from «present day boundaries shown». Patuá Films 2017

Notes - HAFT-SEEN with Stacey Tran and Jonathan Raissi (trailer #2) by Roland Dahwen

Trailer #2

Stacey Tran • Jonathan Raissi • Roland Dahwen Wu
7pm • 3.15.17
High Low Gallery
936 SE 34th Ave, Portland, OR 97214

Notes - Intisar Abioto by Roland Dahwen

I had the tremendous fortune to document Intisar Abioto's dance rehearsal at the Portland Art Museum in November. Special thanks to the Museum and to Betsy Konop, who allowed us to film in the museum with freedom.

Intisar has a show at the White Box Gallery in Portland for the month of February, and the film that I made will be part of the exhibit, as a video installation.

«Intisar Abioto»
single-channel video
21 minutes. color

Opening Reception Friday, February 3
5:00 p.m. White Box Gallery

February 3 - February 25, 2017

Notes - history is a hole by Roland Dahwen

I'm showing my video work as part of Physical Education's performance «history is a hole»

Performers: keyon gaskin, Allie Hankins, Lu Yim, Takahiro Yamamoto.

Video Work:
original videos by sidony o'neal, Stacey Tran, Maggie Heath, Kalimah Abioto.
edited videos by Samiya Bashir, Roland Dahwen Wu, Sharita Towne.

Pacific Northwest College of Art - Mediatheque
511 NW Broadway
Portland, Oregon, 97209
7-9pm. January 3, 2017