I had the pleasure of contributing to claire barrera’s performance SUGAR on May 3, 4, 5 at De-Canon’s space at Milepost 5.
Performance by claire barrera, with dramaturgy by Allie Hankins and video by Roland Dahwen.

Allie Hankins
I'm showing my video work as part of Physical Education's performance «history is a hole»
Performers: keyon gaskin, Allie Hankins, Lu Yim, Takahiro Yamamoto.
Video Work:
original videos by sidony o'neal, Stacey Tran, Maggie Heath, Kalimah Abioto.
edited videos by Samiya Bashir, Roland Dahwen Wu, Sharita Towne.
Pacific Northwest College of Art - Mediatheque
511 NW Broadway
Portland, Oregon, 97209
7-9pm. January 3, 2017