Notes - Bela Tarr / by Roland Dahwen

reading notes from an interview with Bela Tarr

«I learned a very simple yet fundamental thing: respecting people, their life and their dignity.»

 «In my view, there is no difference between an amateur and a professional. In order to direct a film you don’t need any film school diploma or professional certificate of sorts: that’s for sure.»

«You know, for me it is ridiculous when a director says “it is my film.” It is everybody’s film, because filmmaking is a collective work that requires the talent of all the members of the crew. And not only the talent, but also the physical presence and the spirit, the brain, the sensibility, the empathy of every person on the set. I have always worked with, more or less, the same people, because I feel safe with them, and I know I can fully trust them.»

«What is essential cannot be learned, it has to be experienced.»