"We are all the production line"

Notes - De-Canon (A Visibility Project) Opening at UNA Gallery by Roland Dahwen

De-Canon's opening at UNA Gallery is August 3.

De-Canon is doing a month of programs at UNA Gallery. There will be performances, readings, screenings, and more. The installation will include a video of mine «We are all the production line (part II)» (4 minutes, 8mm, black and white), as well as «Flowers», a video I made for Dao Strom and «Field Theories», a series of videos I made for Samiya Bashir. Press release.


still frame from «We are all the production line (part II)». Patuá Films, 2017

still frame from «We are all the production line (part II)». Patuá Films, 2017

Notes - We are all the production line by Roland Dahwen

New work commissioned by Physical Education

Two-channel video installation
December 21, 2016 - January 4, 2017
hq Objective at FORTUNE Gallery
2235 W Burnside St. Unit A
Portland, Oregon

Featuring footage by sidony o'neal, Kalimah Abioto, Maggie Heath, and Stacey Tran.
Physical Education is keyon gaskin, Lu Yim, Takahiro Yamamoto, and Allie Hankins.
Works edited by Samiya Bashir and Sharita Towne - January 4-18, 2017.