
Notes – Dao Strom featured on OPB by Roland Dahwen

Dao Strom's work is featured on OPB's Oregon Art Beat, including a few videos that she and I worked on together. 

Link to article and video

Notes – «MAY 35» at Northwest Filmmakers' Festival by Roland Dahwen

As part of NW Film Center's partnership with Kodak, I created this short film that will be shown at the Northwest Filmmakers' Festival, November 1 – 5, 2017. 

«MAY 35»
2.5 mins. 8mm. 2017.

may 35_8mm_101417.00_01_40_09.Still002.jpg

Notes – «There are no birds in the nests of yesterday» by Roland Dahwen

Last week in Seattle, I had the pleasure of speaking to three classes about my very first video work: «Ya no hay pájaros en los nidos de ayer» («There are no birds in the nests of yesterday»). Special thanks to Michael Harper for bringing me to visit his classes and screen the film. 

nidos de ayer.png

Notes - HAFT-SEEN @ EPALF and Whitsell Auditorium by Roland Dahwen

HAFT-SEEN screened twice at EPALF (East Portland Arts & Literary Festival) on September 23rd.
Then the Northwest Film Center screened HAFT-SEEN at the Whitsell Auditorium, inside the Portland Art Museum on September 26th.

Thank you to everyone who attended, who contributed to the film, and who made these events possible.


Notes - HAFT-SEEN and FIELD THEORIES at NW Film - Sept. 26 by Roland Dahwen

A long-term dream I've had is coming true: we're having a screening at the NW Film Center's Whitsell Auditorium, inside the Portland Art Museum. LINK TO INFO

The night will include:
Haft-Seen by Stacey Tran, Jonathan Raissi, and myself
Field Theories by Samiya Bashir, keyon gaskin, and myself
Sight by Kalimah Abioto

Many thanks to everyone who made this possible.

Notes - TBA Festival performance - September 12 by Roland Dahwen

I have the tremendous honor to present at PICA's TBA Festival this year. With Samiya Bashir, Shayla Lawson, Dao Strom and Ronaldo V. Wilson, we will be creating a multimedia performance – music, sound, text, film. September 12, 2017 from 6:30 - 7:30pm at PICA's NE Hancock location.