patuá Films

Notes – the Overseas Banquet at TBA Festival by Roland Dahwen

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported The Overseas Banquet at TBA Festival. Special thanks to Mekong Bistro, the Cooley Gallery and staff, PICA and PICA staff, Stephanie Snyder, Ella Marra-Ketelaar, and performers Nazli Rahmanian and Shao Way Wu. Audio contributions from: d.a. carter, Intisar Abioto, Craig Epplin, Sahra Brahim. Photography: Alexander Pomper.

Notes – Dao Strom featured on OPB by Roland Dahwen

Dao Strom's work is featured on OPB's Oregon Art Beat, including a few videos that she and I worked on together. 

Link to article and video

Notes – «Flower Diatribe #1» for Dao Strom in Poetry Northwest by Roland Dahwen

Dao Strom's piece «Flower Diatribe #1» is featured in Poetry Northwest, along with the video we made together. Words and voice by Dao Strom, sound by Barry Brusseau, video by Roland Dahwen Wu.

Link to article