
Notes – «Flower Diatribe #1» for Dao Strom in Poetry Northwest by Roland Dahwen

Dao Strom's piece «Flower Diatribe #1» is featured in Poetry Northwest, along with the video we made together. Words and voice by Dao Strom, sound by Barry Brusseau, video by Roland Dahwen Wu.

Link to article

Notes - HAFT-SEEN with Stacey Tran and Jonathan Raissi (trailer #3) by Roland Dahwen

Trailer #3

Stacey Tran • Jonathan Raissi • Roland Dahwen Wu
7pm • 3.15.17
High Low Gallery
936 SE 34th Ave, Portland, OR 97214

Notes - Field Theories (with Samiya Bashir and keyon gaskin) by Roland Dahwen

Last summer, Samiya Bashir and I sat down to talk about making a video for her book of poetry FIELD THEORIES (Nightboat Books, 2017). One video became six: one per month until the book's release. We worked with the incomparable movement artist keyon gaskin who appears in all six videos, and many generous people participated in Field Theories #4. The six videos will be woven together into one continuous film for the month of March.

I'm honored and proud to share Field Theories #6 (February):

Notes - Poetry Press Week by Roland Dahwen

Last weekend, my company Patuá Films documented Poetry Press Week's Spring 2016 show at Disjecta Contemporary Art Center.

From Poetry Press Week's website:

In a Poetry Press Week show, poets present their unpublished work in 10-12 minute, live, conceptual runway shows to an audience of publishers, press, and the general public. Poets present their work via “models” and other various media, staging, and effects to produce a three-dimensional experience of their poetry. Full poem text as it would potentially appear in print is projected alongside or in conjunction with the presentation.

Watch four excerpts from the show: