roland dahwen samiya bashir

Notes – videos in Amsterdam by Roland Dahwen

The FIELD THEORIES videos that I worked on for Samiya Bashir (with keyon gaskin) were recently part of keyon’s NASHA festival in Amsterdam. These are very special artists and I am fortunate to have contributed a small part to this.

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Notes – «Field Theories» featured in Cascadia Magazine by Roland Dahwen

Three poems from Samiya Bashir are featured in Cascadia Magazine, along with the video we made together with keyon gaskin, and several still frames from the six «Field Theories» videos.

Link to article and video


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Notes – «Field Theories» in OPB State of Wonder by Roland Dahwen

Samiya Bashir's poetry and book Field Theories is featured on OPB's State of Wonder, along with video that I made with Samiya and keyon gaskin. Listen to some excerpts from Samiya's book and her interview:

Link to article