
Notes - new record «Redesign» from Nick Delffs by Roland Dahwen

My friend Nick Delffs releases his new record «Redesign» on July 21st.
I took this foto of him while we were filming the music video for «Golden House» and months later, after I had forgotten about it, he asked to use it for his new record. 

More about Nick and the record here.

Notes - photography archive by Roland Dahwen

I was searching for a foto that a friend wanted to use for their album cover, and I found a ton of fotos that I had forgotten. These are discards from the last couple years – fotos that I ignored, but now, seeing them with new eyes, they were perhaps unworthy of dismissal. From Hong Kong, Portland, Texas.

Notes - Border Crossing by Roland Dahwen

A few weeks ago, I crossed the Mexico-US border at Tijuana for the first time, conscious of the many people who could not cross, or who could cross but not return. We met the proprietor of Totem Denim Lab on Avenida Revolución, who creates custom denim products. We saw medical, dental and pharmaceutical tourism. We encountered a city, beautiful and human, so different from the illusory city that is imagined on this side of what we call a border. A few 35mm photographs, below: